The Parables of Ancient Earth | A Fantasy Christian Trilogy

In a reptile ruled world, a sister rises unexpectedly to power while an unassuming creature, a tiny talking olive warbler, calls her imprisoned twin brother on a quest to redeem not only the corrupt kingdom but also his sister’s soul along with landkind of the final millennium.

Book cover of “The Parables of Ancient Earth - The First Scroll”
Book cover of “The Parables of Ancient Earth - The Second Scroll”
Book cover of “The Parables of Ancient Earth - The Third Scroll”

Christian Study Guide The Parables of Ancient Earth

This Study Guide accompanies The Parables of Ancient Earth Christian Trilogy and challenges the readers to reflect on their own walk with Christ as they follow the protagonists through the battles of an ancient reptilian-ruled world.
 Rephidim City of Reptiles

WINNER in the Fiction Category of the 2014 Harvest Book Reading Competition

Excerpt from Book Review by Ignatius Fischer:
The Parables of Ancient Earth, The First Scroll: Rephidim, City of Reptiles is the first of several novels similar in nature to CS Lewis Narnia stories. This well-written children’s adventure has a lot going on and a very clear message of spiritual importance running throughout. The spiritual lessons are threaded masterfully through character interaction and especially the excellent dialogue.


Check out the “Christian Study Guide” to accompany all three books in “The Parables of Ancient Earth” Trilogy! This guide can be used in youth groups, Sunday schools, individually, or as part of a home-school program.